Vox Amp Serial Number Dating
Does it have six preamp tubes or five? Does the tube rectification even look like Vox factory job, where they likely would have used the usual rectifier mounting hole, which they still left to amps that used silicon rectifiers. Anyway, Rose, Morris & Co.
Originally posted by gethsemane no, no, no. This is a forum where we study the effects of politics and pornography.
Serial number high 1800s or 1900s - currently in the UK Chassis number 2128. Working well. Thanks to Gerry for the details. Serial number 1903 - currently in Europe • • •. An interesting amp.
*The prices shown for each item are the selling price, this is not an auction. (Offers based on the selling prices will be given serious consideration). Contact 1.Vintage Vox AC30 serial number 5937, 1962. This amplifier was purchased from the original owner who had owned it from new, having purchased it himself from Frank Hessy's Music Shop, Stanley Street Liverpool in early 1963.
EH, MXR, and most US made effects used pots with EIA date codes on them. They usually start with 137 which is the manufacturer (137 = CTS), then the next digits are the year and week. For example, 137 7903 would be a CTS pot, made in the 3rd week of 1979. Sometimes there are only 6 digits, for example 304731 would be 304 (stackpole) 7=1947 or 1957, 31st week. You can also date speakers this way! Other manufacturer codes are: • 106: Allen Bradley • 134: Centralab • 137: CTS • 140: Clarostat • 220: Jensen (speakers) • 304: Stackpole • 328: Utah/Oxford speakers • 381: Bourns • 465: Oxford speakers • 285: Rola • 391: Altec-Lansing • 649: Electro-voice • 1098: Pyle • 67: Eminence On many Japanese effects there are no date codes on the pots, but there are usually date codes on the chips and sometimes on the capacitors.
1966-1967 * Metallic black ventilators used late 1966. 1967-1968 * No change due to emphasis on solid-state. 1968-1969 * Control panel indent.
This is a very rare amplifier both in terms of its vintage (year of production), and its condition, which is exceptional. SOLD ============================================================================== 2. Vintage Vox AC30 serial number 11613T circa 1964 Basketweave covering, brass vents, Vox handles, copper coloured control panel, rounded rear cabinet edges. Full set of Woden transformers bearing “AV” date codes for January 1964.
I've just bought a Vox AC30CC1. Just wondering if anyone know's how I could find out some history of the amp? Here is the serial. Dating Vox Amps Amplifiers. No lists of serial numbers are available. Even so, certain characteristics can help narrow the date of manufacture to within a.
(Offers based on the selling prices will be given serious consideration). Contact 1.Vintage Vox AC30 serial number 5937, 1962. This amplifier was purchased from the original owner who had owned it from new, having purchased it himself from Frank Hessy's Music Shop, Stanley Street Liverpool in early 1963. Smooth black covering, brass vents, leather strap handles, copper colour control panel, square rear cabinet edges.
Vintage Vox amplifier collection Vintage Vox amplifier collection for sale The amplifiers and other equipment pictured on this page represent part of an exceptional collection of vintage Vox amplifiers, Vox, WEM and Meazzi echo and reverb units, and other equipment and accessories that is offered for sale. The sale of the collection presents a very rare opportunity indeed to obtain such vintage and historic equipment.
Ive been looking all over online trying to find out what year this Vox AC 30 I just got from a buddy was made. It seems not to fit all of the spec i have been reading and looks like a early to mid 70s ac 30. I dont have an exact pic i will post one as soon as i can but, i found a pic of one with the same control panel. The cabinet it is in i know is not original, its from the late 80s. So i cant use that but it does have alnico silvers in it. Its looks like this Except mine is tube rectified. Ive seen pics with ones like this with no a vox product under the voltage selector and all have been ss rectified.
* Changed to silicon rectifier system, GZ34 valve deleted. 1969-1972 * Reverb model with cylindrical aluminum control knobs, pull-enable switches on Volumes. * Large PCB for control section.
Vox Amp Serial Number Lookup
* Speaker color-change to silver for Lead units, remains blue for Bass units. * Mains selector changed to five-way rotary switch type.

'L' = 1964, and 'G' = July. The first letter is the month: 'A' = January, and so on. The second letter is the year: 'K' = 1963, 'L' = 1964, 'M' = 1965. Potentiometers were naturally bought in batches, each batch lasting several months. But one nonetheless has a good terminus post quem ('date after which').
© 1998 - 2018 The Vox Showroom and North Coast Music, all rights reserved The images and editorial content in this web site may not be copied or reproduced in online auction sites such as eBay and Craig's List. Sellers may provide a link to the Vox Showroom web site if they wish to refer to this copyrighted material. URL: http://www.voxshowroom.com/contents.
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Here you will find links that will lead you to photos and information about VOX amplifiers that were designed in the UK. Covers the period from 1958 through the present. This VOX Button will link you to the main US Vox Amplifier Page.
This is tricky, Pat. Vox serial numbers weren't planned out too well, nor is there a lot of information on the rhyme or reason for the numbering that occurred in Britain or in the Italian factory. It was in late 1964 that the Italian factory began making Vox guitars, while British production of Vox guitars continued simultaneously. It was common to have the same models built in both factories. Here is one bit of information that seems to indicate that you have an Italian-made Vox: British-made Vox guitars have 5 sequential serial numbers stamped on the back of the headstock (and later on the neck plates), while the Italian-made guitars have 6 serial numbers that is stamped onto the neck plates. Yours has six digits, and may I assume it's on the neck plate?
Fender Amp Dating Serial Number
Forgive me for not publishing the 5 digit serial. It has a metal on/off switch Black or Dark Grey Weave Tolex Cover (faded) VOX line-thru badge (not. Any/All help appreciated. My AC30's Back-plate says: 'VOX AMPLIFIER' Manufactured in England by Jennings Musical Industries Ltd. Forgive me for not publishing the 5 digit serial. It has a metal on/off switch Black or Dark Grey Weave Tolex Cover (faded) VOX line-thru badge (not squared) Brown diamond hash grill cloth Grey metal control plate which states 'A JMI Product' The voltage selector has 5 positions The Speakers are Blue Celestion The TB is integrated The body is Ply (about half inch thick) Many thanks:). Best Answer: Dating VOX products can be very difficult.
But one nonetheless has a good terminus post quem ('date after which'). The same is true for the blue Hunts capacitors used by Triumph from 1964 - 1965. For the date code system employed on these,. By early to mid 1965, Burndept Electronics, which shared a building with Vox off West Street in Erith,Kent, took over the bulk of production, and serial numbers consequently become more reliable as a means of dating - Burndept was a much more orderly place than Triumph. It should be said, however, that the Burndept chassis numbers stamped on the aluminium upright underneath the input jacks do not run in sequence with the serial numbers. Early solid state rectified AC50 - only two main valves.
Knowing who owned the trademark at the time when the amp was built is already a head start in dating it to certain era. If it's from 1980's the documented history probably doesn't even cover each and every revision of the AC30 and each and every contract manufacturer who was hired to make them. Yeah mine doesn't have the a vox product on the front plate.
Product' legend between input jacks. 1960-1961 * Blonde covering. * Copper control panel, photo-anodized legend. * Pointer control knobs.