Unreal Engine Marketplace - Kubold Rifle Animset Pro
I had to rotate both hands to be in the proper position. This also forced me to change how my state machines transitioned, but that wasn't a big deal and was easily solved.
Female Movement Animset Pro: Sword & Shield Animset Pro: Rifle Animset. Unreal Engine – Kubold Animset Pro. Gnomon Workshop Udemy Unity Unreal Engine V. Unreal Engine Marketplace – Kubold Animset Pro VaultCache Pack 4.17 by lanzin. Rifle Animset Pro: http://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/rifle-animset-pro.
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To have casual movement with guns in your game, you simply have to get more animation sets like that. You can either wait until I make them, get them from other vendors, or hire a mocap studio to produce them for you. Or you can use IK (which looks decent and saves you RAM memory for 100 animations per weapon, which can sum up to 700+ anims in full game). You should have the IK on in most animations, where a character is holding a gun with both hands. Notice that IK bones are also animated, exactly like the original animation.
Thanks, MarkHi, don't do it! Don't make another 100+ almost identical animations, with slightly lowered rifle.
I already had IK bones for hand and feet but the ik root and ik gun bones was missing so I added them and exported the mesh again including the IK rig. Usually I set root to anim and pelvis to anim-scaled and all other (deform) bones to skeleton. Works well for deform bones. But looks like the translation retargeting mode of IK bones have to be animation (or it seems they turn pretty wrong).
CWWell, for starters you need some animations I haven't yet made rolls with rifle, so either please wait for an update, or grab some from Mixamo or something, if you absolutely need it now. You can also use dodges from my sword pack or Sword and Shield pack as placeholders. So far I haven't yet see any other technique of dodging then in games like Gears of War, God of War, Diablo, Dark Souls, The Witcher etc. You press a direction and hit 'dodge' button to play one of the 4 directional dodges. For enemies though, I found this technique works well: 1. When a Player attack animation starts (for example with melee weapon), you shoot a trace forward to check if it will hit the enemy.
So not on the impact, but at the beginning of the swing. If the trace hits the enemy, it triggers a test chance of dodge for this enemy, for example 25% that it will dodge. If yes, then the enemy triggers dodge animation (either just backwards, or we choose which direction basing on raycasts, so it doesn't dodge straight to a wall or fall from a cliff). We can also turn off getting hit mechanism for dodging enemy, to ensure it dodsn't get hit during dodging.
This is very good info to know. You mean Maya has a built-in autorigger?
Or you can use IK (which looks decent and saves you RAM memory for 100 animations per weapon, which can sum up to 700+ anims in full game). You should have the IK on in most animations, where a character is holding a gun with both hands. Notice that IK bones are also animated, exactly like the original animation. The original ik_gun and hands IK bones are there to make sure that a) hands and feet always move the same like on the original animation, regardless of limb's lenght or shoulder width of retargeted characters b) left hand always holds the barrel, regardless of the character's shoulder width, so different characters still hold the gun correctly c) to aim the gun by rotating the ik_gun bone. It doesn't matter what the gun is parented to To get a result like in the above video, add two new sockets to hips or spine bone - those will be your IK targets for hands. Rotate and offset them, so when you use IK, the hands will go to positions like in the video (so, holding a gun). You can add many, many sockets more and control yhe hands of your character fully - for example steady the shot, really pull a lever, hold a torch in left hand etc.
I ignored them previously but it seems they could be handy sometimes and I would not retarget and modify all anims again after I modified them a bit to fit to the shape of the character. I already had IK bones for hand and feet but the ik root and ik gun bones was missing so I added them and exported the mesh again including the IK rig. Usually I set root to anim and pelvis to anim-scaled and all other (deform) bones to skeleton. Works well for deform bones. But looks like the translation retargeting mode of IK bones have to be animation (or it seems they turn pretty wrong). But if translation retargeting of hand_r is following the skeleton and ik_hand_r is following the animation instead then the translation differs of course.
In Unity version of this package I used HumanIK skeleton. In UE4 version of the package I used UE4 skeleton. So, if you already have some animations (let's say, you bought my pack through Unity Store), and those animations don't use UE4 skeleton, you have 3 choices: 1) Open Maya or Motionbuilder and manually retarget those 130 animations to Unreal skeleton 2) Buy the package once again in Unreal Marketplace and think of it, like as if you paid me to retarget it for you (this is exactly what I did) 3) Just skin your character to the skeleton that came with the Unity animation pack and use the animations without any retargeting - and this would be the fastest method. Also the HIK skeleton I used, is built into every Autodesk software, so you can rig it with 2 clicks, without using Epic's animation tools. Thanks for the detailed response Kubold! This is very good info to know.
Unreal Asset Store
It should be quite straightforward to make these myself from your animations but thought I'd ask before working out how long I'd need to do them! Thanks, MarkHi, don't do it! Don't make another 100+ almost identical animations, with slightly lowered rifle. Use IK, or Upper Body Additive or Override on both hands or something. 20 minutes of work, if you know what you're doing.
Orcs Must Die - Kobold Hunter
If not - does anybody have any good solution for this scenario? Does blending it with another animation package (i.e. Mocap online work well?). Is there any other 'poor mans' solution to create these animations? Kubold - really love your animations but trying to figure out how to solve for this issue in the best possible way.