Soal Bahasa Inggris Online
10 B Rumus simple past tense adalah S + Verb2 atau S + Was/were + Non verb. Jadi disini been tidak digunakan. 11 A Rumus yang digunakan adalah S + Have/has + Been + Dan subjek the geese menggunakan have.
SOAL-SOAL UJIAN SELEKSI PENERIMAAN CALON PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL ===== MATA UJIAN: BAHASA INGGRIS TINGKAT: SARJANA/DIPLOMA HARI/TANGGAL: LOKASI WAKTU: 60 MENIT ===== PETUNJUK: Untuk soal nomor 1 sampai dengan nomor 50, pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang saudara anggap paling tepat diantara pilihan yang tersedia. Pilih jawaban yang paling benar. Contoh Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMA dan Pembahasan. Read the following text and answer number 1-5! In total, the plant has need of at least 16 elements, of which the most important are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. > Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Online Kelas 3 SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) - Langsung Ada Nilainya. KUNCI JAWABAN SOAL ULANGAN AKHIR SEMESTER 1 BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 3 SD A. This is my fingers 2. Kita punya dua telinga 5. That is a ruler 7. That is chair 8. Papan tulis putih.
To cry wolf a. To have something bad b. To give false alarm * c. To get hurt by someone d. To turn blue 6.
To be above board a. To fight something alone b. To be in a high place c. To have a good height * d. To try to be beautiful 8.
To overcome a problem c. To finish in a bad way d.
Namun harap dimaklumi karena contoh soal yang saya berikan hanya berbentuk ujian tertulis dan tidak termasuk ujian dalam bentuk listening karena terbatasnya waktu dan media yang tersedia. Namun saya akan usahakan untuk membuatnya dalam waktu dekat. Oleh karena itu, ikuti terus update artikel blog ini. Contoh Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMA dan Pembahasan Read the following text and answer number 1-5! In total, the plant has need of at least 16 elements, of which the most important are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. The plan obtains carbon and hydrogen dioxide from the atmosphere; other nutrients are taken up from the soil.
To have an axe to grind a. A tool to fight b. To work on something hard c. To have bad result d. A private and to serve *.
They were brave. Whenever I walk passing the coconut tree near the river, I lose my ______ and I run as fast as I can. Karin and Danny were in ______ and ______ after the accident, but now they are getting better. Every plant that my mother plant always grows. She has _______ fingers.
Nine hundred and fourty eight • C. Nine hundred and forty eight 6) 1.227 =. A thousand two hundred and twenty seven • B. One thousand and two hundred twenty seven 7) 207.386 =. Two hundred seven thousand three hundred and eighty six • B. Two zero seven thousand three hundred and eight six • C. Two thousand seven thousand three hundred and eight six • D.
Isilah titik-titik yang ada dengan jawaban yang benar! L – W - L – Y – E - O The corret word is. The spelling of O – R - A – N - G - E is. Sukamto have a. Chicken in indonesian language is. Sepuluh in english language is.
Conclusion c. Explanation d. Argumentation e. General explanation 15. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text? White light has no colour. White light is mixture of all the colour.
Always ask help to our loyal friend. We should be thankful for everything.
The process of a rainbow 13. The function of the text is the process of rainbow is formed a. To explain d. To persuade e. To describe 14. The part of the text is called (paragraph 1)?
Since the thousands and thousands of well-preserved skeleton have been uncovered, including the sekeleton of camels, horses, wolves, tigers, slots, and dinosaurs. Which of the following is NOT true about the La Brea tarpits? They contain fossils that are quite old b. They are found in Hancock park c.
To get an applause 9. To make clean breast of a. To impress someone b. To confess without of reserve * c. To gain interest from someone d. To destroy something quickly 10. To put one’s hand to plough a.
Three thousand five hundred fifty two • C. Three thousand five hundred fivety two • D.
“While your pot was staying with me, it had a baby.” Sometime later Nasreddin asked Ali to lend him a pot again. Ali agreed, hoping that he would once again receive two pots in return. However, days passed and Nasreddin had still not returned the pot. Finally, Ali lost patience and went to demand his property.
That is a flag d. That is a book 7. Rudi: “Is that a table?” Rina: “No, that is not.” Rudi: “What is that?” Rina: “.” a.
To smell a rat a. To see a dead rat b. To be smelled bad c.
12 ( dua belas ) 7. Red and white 10. (dapur) kitchen.
By his self D. By himself 15. The role of a geologist varies not only with his area of specilization, but also A. It varies with experience earned on the occupational specialties B. With experience earned on the occupational specialties C. Varies with experience earned on the occupational specialties D.
People didn’t used to have any electrical things in their houses, so they would to wash all the clothes by hand and keep food fresh by hanging it outside. Most people have fridges and washing machines now.
To be above board a. To fight something alone b. To be in a high place c. To have a good height * d. To try to be beautiful 8. To end in smoke a. To ruin oneself * b.
What appears d. Despite its appearance Ans: c 11. Until ——incorect, astronomers had assumed that the insidesof white award were uniform. Recenly proven c. Their proof d. The astronomers recenly proven Ans: b 12.
Fiveteen • C. Fivety 2) 50 =. Fivety 3) 555 =.
However neural theories Ans: c 9. During free fall, —-up to a full minute, a skydiver will fall at a constant speed a. Is Ans: a 10. —-in the first draft ofthe budget will not necessarily be in final draft a. Although it appears b. It appears c.
Tina: “What is this?” Sonia: “This is a.” 5. That is a eagle The Indonesian sentence is. P – h – e – l – e – t – n – a It is wild animal. The corret word is. The number before twenty is.
It is twenty five to ten. It is ten past two. What time is it? It is ten past twelve. It is ten to twelve. It is twelve o’clock. It is two o’clock 4.
Sedangkan will dapat digunakan untuk semua subjek, namun shall hanya bisa digunakan oleh subjek “I” dan “we” saja. 5 A Rumus present continuous tense adalah S + Is/am/are + Dan seperti yang saya jelaskan sebelumnya bahwa penggunaan is/am/are tergantung dengan subjeknya, dan subjek the police menggunakan are karena jamak (tunggalnya the police man dan the police woman). Berhati-hatilah dalam menentukan apakah subjek itu jamak atau tunggal, karena tidak semua jamak terdapat akhiran “s”. 6 B Rumus yang digunakan adalah S + Would/should + Be +, jadi disini tidak menggunakan been.
Ini adalah sebuah keranjang b. Itu adalah sebuah bola c.
Thirty eight million thirty hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred and fifty three • B. Thirty eight million three hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred and fifty three • C. Thirty eight million three hundred ninety nine thousand seventy five hundred and three 11) 410.110.300 =. Four hundred one zero million a hundred ten thousand three hundred • B.
She finishes the daily report, she leaves the office. Mary, to win the prize, tripped when she ran upstairs.
Rama and Laksmana were sad and very angry. So they went to Alengka to take Shinta back from Rahwana. Which is NOT TRUE according to the text? Shinta was in the forest when Rahwana abducted her. Shinta wanted to catch the deer. Shinta was taken by force. Rama went to Alengka with Laksmana.
A patient suffering from this disease will alternate between periods of manic excitement and extreme depression with or without relatively normal periods in between. The cange in mood suffered by a manic depressive patient go far beyond the day to day change experienced by the geneal population.
Sinta adalah bibiku c. Sinta adalah kakak perempuanku d. Sinta adalah adik perempuanku 25. Bu Ayu adalah bibiku The english sentence is.
A Spate of Recent Router Hacks This is not the first time similar firmware issues linked to the have appeared. Linksys hacked firmware. While not included in this story, and is also not innocent of similar firmware issues. Including cloud based activities like Asus’ AiCloud with limited security at the base of your network is not recommended as it opens up not just an individual device bu the entire network to major possible security cracks and damage. Asus Vulnerability Warning A couple of recent news items involving hackers and a series of popular routers caught our attention, and we’d like to tell you how FlashRouters can keep you safe from these all-too-common attacks and firmware security holes.
19 A Cukup jelas. 20 A Kalau bilangan campuran, maka bilangan bulat menggunakan angka biasa (cardinal number), sedangkan pecahannya seperti yang saya jelaskan sebelumnya. ---- Oke ya, itulah 20 latihan soal number bahasa inggris disertai jawaban dan pembahasannya. Semoga latihan soal di atas bermanfaat dan meningkatkan pemahaman kalian. Jangan lupa share artikel ini juga ya, thanks dan sampai jumpa lagi.
To take interest in a job b. To get entangled into important things c. To make something with someone d. To take a difficult task * 11. To play second fiddle a. To support the role and view of another person * b. To hang out with friends c.
My name is Milly. I was born in Jakarta, February 9, 2006. I live at Bungur street Permata residence number 8, Bekasi, West Java. I go to SwissIndo elementary school in Bekasi. My hobby is singing. I think I would like to join singing competition in school’s anniversary event. Nice to meet you, all of my friend.
In the period of manic excitement, the mood elevation can become so intense that it can result extended insomania,extreme irritability, and heightened aggressiveness. In the period of depression, which way last for severals weeks or months, a patient experiences feelings of general fatigue, uselessness,and in serious cascs, may contemplete suicide.
Motherboard d. Computer • “Carefully slide the drive into the empty bay and mount it.” The word ‘bay’ in the sentence is similar in meaning to. Compartment • Plug your computer back to power outlet and then turn the power on. The word ‘outlet’ in the sentence is similar in meaning to.
Berikut adalah soal bahasa Inggris tentang Idiom beserta kunci jawabannya. Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Idiom I. Choose the best meaning of the idiom on each number! To be the question a.
Four hundred ten million one hundred ten thousand three hundred 12) 5.798.435.770 =. Five thousand seven hundred ninety eight million forty hundred thirty five thousand seven hundred and seventy • B. Five Bllion seven hundred ninety eight million four hundred thirty five thousand seven hundred and seventeen • C. Five billion seven hundred ninety eight million four hundred thirty five thousand seven hundred and seventy. Advertisement 13) Two hundred two billion four hundred thirteen million eight hundred seventy nine thousand two hundred and twelve =. 202.430.879.220 • B.
When white light in a drop of rain, it changes direction is called refraction. Some orange colors in the light change direction more than other and so the white light separate into its different colors.
A person who is like sheep 14. To keep one’s temper a. To be in a bad mood b. To get angry easily c.
This is number seventy c. This is number twenty six d. This is number twenty seven 20. What number is it?
Four men who never Sholah. Four men who hid in the mosque. Mu’adhdhin in his Sholah. Thus all the four broke their Sholah and wasted it. The fault-finders went more astray than the one who made the original mistake. Correct yourself before correcting others. The simple form (Verb-1) of the underlined words are a.
Unplug all other devices first c. Turn off the computer and unplug the power cable d. Turn the computer on before installing CD-ROM • What does the writer strongly recommend in order to get the best result of the CD-ROM installation? That we remove the computer cover first. That the computer should be turned off before installing CD-ROM.
We have two ear the indonesian language is. Kita punya dua mata b. Kita punya dua kaki c. Kita punya dua telinga 20. This is my father the indonesian language is. Ini adalah ibuku b. Ini adalah kakakku c.
The problems had already b. The problem is already c. The problem had already been d.
To work on something hard c. To have bad result d. A private and to serve *.
Fivety 3) 555 =. Fift hundred fivety five • B. Fift hundred fifty five • C. Five hundred fifty five • D. Five hundred fifty fift 4) 3.552 =. Three thousand fift hundred fifty two • B.
Empat puluh delapan c. Sembilan belas d. Empat puluh sembilan 18.
202.430.879.220 • B. 202.413.879.212 • C. 202.433.987.202 14) 12th =. Twelveth • C.Twelvefth 15) 21st =. Twenty once • B. Twenty one • C.
CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER BY CROSSING ( X ) A, B, C OR D! Pilihlah Jawaban Yang Benar Dengan Memberi Tanda Silang ( X ) Pada A, B Atau C! Is – this – fingers - my The correct order is. Is this my fingers b. This is fingers my c. This is my fingers d.
Where do you live? Where do you go to school? What is you hobby? Kunci jawaban: 1.
• The person on the bench (are/is) Barbara. (Jawab: is) • She (has/have) long brown hair. (Jawab: has) • She (does/is) smart person. (Jawab: is) • She’s an accountant. She (working/works) for the government.
The three chickens killed the bird. The bird played with the chicken. The bird killed one of the three chickens. What is the story about? A parrot and a cat B. A parrot and a chicken C. A parrot and the owner D.
Ini adalah sebuah bendera d. Ini adalah sebuah tas 11.
K) in the 2017 tennis final. L) for long walks in the countryside. M) a cat, but it died last year. N) lonely because I live alone and my neighbours aren’t very friendly. Exercise 2: Learning from learners (Latihan 2: Belajar dari pelajar) The two compositions here were written by learners of English. Correct any mistakes with would and used to. A Changes in my country There have been many changes in my country in the past 20 years.
To suspect foul dealings * d. To see signs of bad things 16. A man of straw a.
Be hungry • must not • may • must have been • can not • must to. ‘When I called Jane at home there was no answer; She might have gone to school’ The underlined words mean. • It is clear that she went to school • I am sure that she has gone to school • It is not likely that she will go to school • It is possible that she has gone to school • I don’t think that she has gone to school 2.’I could have somebody else to carry that box’ means. • I carried that box • Somebody else carried that box • I asked somebody to carry that box • I would ask somebody to carry that box • I don’t want to carry the box 3.My brother. To write a letter last month.
8 B Ingat penjelasan saya sebeumnya, kita selesaikan sedikit demi sedikit, yang pertama jelas sembilan ratus maka nine hundred, karena dibelakangnya ada 3 digit maka tambahkan thousand. Dibelakangnya ternyata angka nol, jadi tak perlu dituliskan. 9 C Kita selesaikan tujuhnya dulu, karena dibellakang ada 6 digit yang berarti jutaan maka ditambahkan million, maka menjadi seven million, kemudian selanjutnya seperti yang sudah saya jelaskan. 10 B Lihat dengan cermat, cukup jelas ya?
Descriptive e. Narrative 10. What kind of the sentences is using mostly used in such type? The Passive voice b. The Simple Past Tense c.